
Below is an area to enter the item(s) that you would like to submit for brokerage. Please give a VERY DETAILED DESCRIPTION of each item.

please give as detailed description as possible manufacturer, year of production, model, caliber, finish, stock type, overall condition, type of sights, any specific codes or arsenal markings, historical value, etc. BE SPECIFIC.
please give as detailed description as possible manufacturer, year of production, model, caliber, finish, stock type, overall condition, type of sights, any specific codes or arsenal markings, historical value, etc. BE SPECIFIC.
please give as detailed description as possible manufacturer, year of production, model, caliber, finish, stock type, overall condition, type of sights, any specific codes or arsenal markings, historical value, etc. BE SPECIFIC.


By signing your name and/or clicking on the button below, you authorize Urban Armory to act as a broker in the sale if the firearms listed above in accordance with our brokerage terms (please read). Remember, by submitting this information, you are NOT bound to any sales agreement of any type, but simply given the opportunity to sell your specific item at that time should you still choose to do so.
If you have an extensive list please feel free to email it to us in .doc or .txt format at sales@urban-armory.com